
A Reminder That Pain is Your Friend…


It seems like everywhere I turn of late, I notice that we are all suffering and being challenged on many deep levels.  I wrote a blog post a year ago that felt so relevant, that I’m sharing it again with you.

Trust your life, even when you feel you can’t.  I live my life as expressed in this post and I know from deeply personal experience that the only way out is through, and the way through will lead to you…It’s a doorway.  Don’t be afraid to walk through.

Love & blessings,


GinaCology Principle No. 4 – A Woman is Responsible for her OWNgasm (aka orgasm)

              My GinaCology Principle No. 4 is that a woman is responsible for her own orgasm.  As many of you know, I love playing with language and reshaping it to my own ideas and concepts, so I call an orgasm that comes from a woman who is connected to her sexuality authentically, an OWNgasm.   Your own orgasm.  I wll be referring to the mainstream definition of orgasm as simply orgasm.

As many of you know, GinaCology is about empowering women FROM THE INSIDE OUT.  There is no place in our lives that this is more true than in our sexuality.  In our current world, we are primarily doing sex from the outside in, making orgasm a goal, whereas OWNgasm is a whole body/mind/spirit experience that brings you to a state of heightened ecstasy via a moment-by-sensual moment of full awareness and connection to that divine temple know as a woman’s body.


And please share if you feel it would help another woman (or man!)

Also, if you’d like to see me do a series on female sexuality, let me know via the poll below this blog post.

Love & Blessings,

Gina Cloud



As I write this particular post, I am still in Rome, heading back to the U.S. soon. I find myself reflecting on the fact that each time I have attempted to enter a church here in Rome or Florence, or anywhere in Italy for that matter, my bare shoulders have been an issue. It’s still hot as hell here, so everyone is running around in tank tops and sleeveless attire. But the bare shoulders of a woman became a metaphor as I examined and refused to accommodate their request to cover them in order to enter the churches, including the Vatican.

Now first I need to say that I was raised very Catholic, with extremely Catholic parents. I went to Catholic schools all the way through high school, was baptized and had my First Holy Communion and my Confirmation. So I have a personal relationship with Catholicism and am willing to say that much of what I will say here is likely to offend those who embrace their religious faith.

I believe that because I was raised in an environment of religion, it is what led me to the spiritual path. Religion, in my view, is a form of mind control and manipulation of the masses by making us believe that our “redemption” is dependent upon us following the strictures of whatever religion we subscribe to. Spirituality, on the other hand, teaches us that God is within each and every one of us, and that we are each piece of God him or herself. Many that are faithful to their religion would already be offended that I would refer to an ambiGod, meaning either male or female. If that is the case, you may want to stop reading right now because I am likely to really piss you off.

Back to my bare shoulders. As I stood in the lines to enter some of what is absolutely the most beautiful and celebrated architecture on Earth, no question, I noticed that both men and women had bare shoulders. The problem that I had was that only the women were being asked to cover ourselves. And if you were in a tank top you could purchase for a mere €1.50, what I refer to with disdain as a shoulder tarp. On a matter of principle, I could not bring myself to do it. Had it been a request of both men and women I know that I would have.
The fact that this kind of Fear of the female form –which is ultimately what this comes down to, the fear of female sexuality– Is still promulgated in 2013, really does provoke my ire.

While I really wanted to see the architecture, Something innately within me could not condone, support or become part of this still repressive ideology that surrounds women and our bodies.

So what the hell is wrong with my bare shoulders? A woman’s shoulders literally shoulder great responsibility and burdens. How do my bare shoulders manage to be the reason that I cannot enter the church? Oh yes, and then there are my knees. You see your shoulders and your knees must be covered if you are a woman. The knees perhaps because moving up my thighs we get to that dark, forbidden seductive, and juicy place–the place that all life comes from. And we know what religion has done around a woman’s vagina. Yet the church doesn’t even recognize that in the sacred geometry that surrounds much of the art and architecture, the symbol, the very shape of the vagina is everywhere, the vesica piscis.

And my bare shoulders perhaps invoke the thoughts of moving downward towards the slope of my breasts. Those breasts nurture life, and are not just for sexual titillation (pun intended). Though we know that historically the repression of sexuality in the Catholic Church has led to much pedophilia and depravity.

I know that some people will think how could you pass up seeing the architecture and the art in the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel, all the beautiful churches along the way? And my response from a place of absolutely standing firmly on the principles I believe in, fight for, would die for, is that I cannot stand in a place that considers my body and its parts offensive or illicit. If men can enter with bare shoulders and shorts, why can’t I?
And when will we collectively recognize the temple that is a woman’s body as the most sacred of all that we have in human form? This is part of why I do the work that I do.

It felt so right to me to refuse to enter these places based on this rule. I know that many would retort with, “but it is a sign of respect.” How is it respectful? What do my shoulders have to do with my ability to worship God, to feel reverence and sacredness around me? These are rules and laws promulgated by those that repressed and persecuted women in ancient times, and I for one will be damned if I will participate in the continuation of that today!

Does that make me a heathen? In the eyes of many, yes. In my own eyes, it makes me a woman, proud to be one, and unwilling to participate in any form of repression of my gender, Be it ancient or modern, religious or colloquial.

So until that time arrives, I’ll just keep on shimmying my shoulders with all the reverence and sacredness that my feminine form invokes and offer that to god, goddess and the universe Everywhere that I go…

Much love from Rome,

Lose your mind… And you’ll find your heart

. As I write this post, I am in Italy. I know you all haven’t seen any pictures of my vacation on Facebook, primarily because I do believe in having a private life in a world that has become a giant fishbowl for all to see, 24/7. I am in Florence as I write this, heading to Rome tomorrow. All of last week I was in a beautiful villa in the hills of Tuscany doing a women’s healing dance and drumming retreat hosted by my dear friend and brilliant performance artist, Alessandra Belloni. For the last 10 years she has tried to get me to attend this annual event, but it just never worked out until this year.

It was truly a magical experience, and a magical place, with amazing women and a couple of really good men acting as supportive pillars. My beautiful daughter went with me, though dance and drumming is not her thing. Clearly Tuscan food and Tuscany itself were. LOL.

As we were sitting out under the canopy of what felt like guardian trees, the place where we danced and drummed every day, we were having a discussion about many, many things, and Alessandra asked me to speak. The topic at the moment revolved around our sexuality as women and as I began to speak about it and expound on the letters In the word W.O.M.A.N. as redefined in my book, W.O.M.A.N.: A New Definition, I found myself saying the following in regards to our wildness: “when we lose our minds, we find our hearts.”

There are many times when I am sharing and speaking to a group that things come through me that I did not intend from my mind. They tend to be pearls of wisdom from somewhere that are channeled through me. This was one of them and it had an impact on many of the women, so much so that I decided to write about it.

Living as we do now as modern day women, we travel via the world of the rational mind, day in and day out almost 24/7. We think things through, rather then feel them through or intuit them, or allow them to move through us by being in stillness. Rather than having those eureka moments, we process and over process through our minds. As often I like to remind us all, this is the masculine way, The rational channel. And there is nothing wrong with it, however, as women, the heart is the place where we should start. In fact, in my opinion, the heart is where all human beings should start. The mind is meant to serve the heart.

As women, much of the wisdom that we would gain through the heart comes through our bodies and because we tend to discount and ignore all of our unique biological processes, particularly the menstrual cycle, we function as if we have no rhythm.

When we let go of the mind, throw it away, lock it up for a while, or for good even, a wonderful process happens. We begin to feel. We feel everything. We sense everything through all of our organs; our eyes, nose, fingertips, skin, taste, hearing. We access the wild creatures within us and the heart begins to commune with us in all of these ways. When we see something, it is no longer just a description of what the eyes are seeing, there is a feeling that goes with the visual picture, sometimes having nothing to do with what the eyes are actually seeing.

For instance, lying on the platform where we danced, looking up at those trees, my eyes saw trees, but my heart saw and felt the guardians. When we let go of the mind, the sensations, images, feelings that come to us come through the heart first and then our mind helps us to process them into some form of language. When you hear a child laughing, it’s not just a sound, it becomes music, the language of happiness, joy, playfulness, and it evokes something from within you.

In order to have these kinds of experiences; however, we have to slow down and we have to be willing to lead with feeling and not with thinking. Thinking as the inroad is a one dimensional portal. Feeling as the inroad is multidimensional and infinite.

Yes, the primary language of the heart is feeling. The primary language of the mind is words. I invite you to speak from your heart, which has quite a different frequency than when one is simply talking.

So ladies, remember that there is rhythm in your body, rhythm to life, rhythm all around us. Rhythm is the Cure. This was the name of the week long workshop, and it was rooted in an ancient Italian Goddess tradition known as the spider dance, or the Tarantalla. If you’re thinking that word looks like tarantula, bingo.

In this ritual dance, the women were said to be bitten by the spider and the venom would make each woman go crazy, ergo lose her mind, and free her of all of the emotional baggage that was causing pain in her life on all levels. In essence, losing her mind would heal her. We danced this ritual dance to shamanic drum rhythms that induce trance. It was quite beautiful and powerful to see each woman really surrender her mind, her body, to let go of all control, and liberate her heart and soul.

So if you can’t make it to southern Italy in August of next year, find a way to lose your mind somewhere along the way. If you’re worried about being able to find it again, leave a trail of breadcrumbs. But I don’t think you’ll miss it. The heart is infinitely more wise, less chaotic, more peaceful, and filled with a kind of beauty that only the heart knows.

Love and blessings,


How Much Self-Sabotaging Do You Do Through People Pleasing?


People pleasing, we all do it. Mostly women in my experience, but men do as well, mostly in the area of their relationships.  The “yes dear” syndrome Every time you are dishonest in order to appease someone else or avoid dealing with an issue, what is the real cost to your soul?

What price do you pay to take the road well-paved and most traveled, instead of the one with very few footprints or maybe a few breadcrumbs, or better still, the one that you must forge completely on your own?

In this video I share my thoughts on this subject.


With Love & Blessings,

Gina Cloud

GinaCology Principle No. 2 – Part 2 Video

As promised, HERE IS THE NEXT VIDEO on my GinaCology Principle No. 2. You can find all the principles written down HERE on my website.

If you missed Principle No. 1, or the Part 1 video of Principle No. 2, you can find it here on my blog or directly on my YouTube Channel.

GinaCology Principle No. 2 is rooted in the idea that as women, we need to be intimate with ourselves both from a health perspective, as well as a sexuality perspective. This is so important, as the idea of intimacy, that of being comfortable, warm and familiar (a simple definition of intimacy) with OURSELVES is the most important relationship we will ever have. I had so much to say about each that I created two videos – Part 1 and Part 2 of this Principle No. 2.

If you’re not already subscribing to my blog, please do, so that you will receive new posts immediately. All you have to do is sign up to the right of this post, on the sidebar there is a box to subscribe via e-mail. That’s all you have to do.

Remember, I am doing an entire series of videos on each of the 10 principles, so there are 8 more principles to go.

So watch and enjoy, and let me hear from you… CONTACT ME HERE.

And please take the very quick poll below so that I can better serve YOUR needs!


Much love,

Gina Cloud

GinaCology Principle No. 2 – Part I Video

As promised, HERE IS THE NEXT VIDEO on my GinaCology Principles.  You can find all the principles written down HERE on my website.

If you missed Principle No. 1, you can find it here on my blog or directly on my YouTube Channel.

GinaCology Principle No. 2 is rooted in the idea that as women, we need to be intimate with ourselves both from a health perspective, as well as a sexuality perspective.  This is so important, as the idea of intimacy, that of being comfortable, warm and familiar (a simple definition of intimacy) with OURSELVES is the most important relationship we will ever have.  I had so much to say about each that I created two videos – Part 1 and Part 2 of this Principle No. 2.

If you’re not already subscribing to my blog, please do, so that you will receive new posts immediately.  All you have to do is sign up to the right of this post, on the sidebar there is a box to subscribe via e-mail.  That’s all you have to do.

Part 2 of Principle 2 will be posted next week, so stay tuned for more.  I am doing an entire series of videos on each of the 10 principles, so there is a lot more to come.

So watch and enjoy, and let me hear from you… CONTACT ME HERE.

And please take the very quick poll below so that I can better serve YOUR needs!


Much love,

Gina Cloud


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I’ve found myself thinking a lot lately(more than usual I should say, as it’s always in my thoughts!) about the subject of feminine energy and being a woman, and having a lot of conversations with women and men about this, so it inspired me to create a VIDEO PLAYLIST  in which I explore each of the letters in my acronym W.O.M.A.N.  I hope that you’ll watch each short video and let them inspire you…

Those of you who have read my book are familiar with my manifesto, but for those of you new to it, here it is:






Please enjoy the videos…and let me hear from you about anything you have questions or comments about.  I’m truly here to serve you.  AND PLEASE SHARE WITH OTHERS!

Much love,


P.S.  Many of you have told me you’re not getting my blog posts automatically.  In order to do so, go to the sidebar on this page on your right and up top there is a place to enter your email which will subscribe you to the blog.  That’s how you do it!

GinaCology Principle No. 1: A Woman is Her Own Best Doctor



What’s GinaCology?  It’s my unique perspective on being a woman and my philosophy and psychology about life as a W.O.M.A.N.  Join me as we explore all things woman, including alternative health and wellness, sexuality, spirituality, the body/mind connection, celebrating your menstrual cycle, empowered childbirth and aging gracefully instead of anti-aging.

GinaCology is committed to the evolution and revolution of the ideas that define and confine women, biologically and sociologically, as well as personally. I want to bring the idea of woman as goddess, as an empowered human being to each woman, girl, boy and man, personally delivered, and gift wrapped in love and respect.  I want to see the way that girls’ develop in our society change from a model that models fashion and makeup, to one that models their authentic selves and expresses their true voices, clearly, loudly, and proudly.

In essence, I want to cause change, not small change, but huge change, the kind that ripples out in waves into the fabric of society, altering the blanket of our world, transforming it into a beautiful tapestry which reflects the honoring of woman as she is intended to be.  I want to shatter the current models that define woman and create new ones which release her from the suffocating boundaries imposed by the medical community, society at large, and the personal beliefs that have imprisoned the goddess in woman and taken away her self-respect, self-love and her ability to celebrate all that she is, body, mind and soul, with wild, wanton, carefree, delicious abandon.

And I won’t stop, until I do.

So join me in the GinaCology Revolution and become the W.O.M.A.N. you are meant to be!

Is there something you’d like to explore?  Leave a comment or question and I will respond.

And let me hear from you….I am truly here to serve YOU!

Love & Blessings,

Gina Cloud




So get ready, this one is gonna be an intense post.  If you’re a woman reading this, PLEASE share it with as many men as you can.  Ready?  Here we go…

A thought occurred to me about a year or so ago that I want to share publicly now:  No matter what women do to become empowered and educated, or to protect ourselves, the culture of violence against women by men will undermine all of that.  It occurred to me that for women to be safe in this world from all the violence, especially sexual violence against us, that we have to help men heal what drives them to do these things to us.  When men have peace in their hearts and have permission to have feelings, when they feel seen and acknowledged by women and others in the world,  and to want love and to give it, then women and children stand a chance to be safe from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm.

Recently in the news was the Steubenville Rape Case, where a 16-year-old girl was drugged and literally dragged around from party to party and raped repeatedly.  Anyone who wants the gory details, and they are gory, can Google it.  I’m only referring to it here as an example of where we have arrived as a society.  The question in my mind as I followed the case was what made these boys do this?  What made them think this was okay to do?  What made them see that girl as an object and not a person?  How can we change this?

Now let me say, I”m not playing the blame game here.  Those of you who have followed my work through the years know I am an advocate for men being authentic and believe in the goodness that lives in men’s hearts.  But the truth is simple:  If men didn’t do these things (and boys now, too!) , didn’t have the desire to do these things,  we women wouldn’t have to work so hard at protecting ourselves.

I don’t believe that it is the true nature of man to want to do those things. I firmly believe that as a society we have come to embrace many things under the guise of “well, that’s just the way it is.”  I believe I have a blog post here somewhere on how angry those words make me. Violence against women and children has run amok. I believe that the indoctrination that many boys and men have into sexuality via porn, violent video games, and other forms of media, and the lack of caring and nurturing as well contribute to the idea that it is okay to be violent, to hatred  towards women, to the notion that women are not people, but sexual objects and that they can do what they please with us.  As a society we are now looking at many forms of violence and condoning them, because we have become desensitized to them.  And women are embracing the violence against them as well.

But the playing field for most violence against women and children is sexual.    What I feel is happening  in terms of sexuality is that it has lost its meaning as a form of expression as love and simply become an act of violence. Clearly there are people in loving relationships and I am not intending to generalize, here but I’m looking at the mainstream media and what we are finding in the news and the crimes that we are being made aware of,  so many involve sexual violence against women, and it is a global problem.

I think a lot about the root causes of things in life. And I do believe that we need to find a way to help men who do these things to heal and to heal these ROOT causes in life that are creating these symptoms. The violence, the rapes, the repression are all symptoms of the disease that rest within our souls.   Women do have to educate ourselves and step up and become aware, but without the men in the goodness of their own hearts, and a desire to protect the feminine and to honor the life-giving principles that we are supposed to embody, we are fighting an uphill battle.   And life should not be a battle, but a flow.

I have often said in my work and in many interviews that I believe that a man’s heart is a profoundly deep and beautiful thing. I have been fortunate in my life to be loved tremendously to know the value of a man’s heart. I often envision a cross,  not in the religious sense, but just as a clear visual picture.    I see a woman’s heart as the  horizontal line of the cross.  We are able to embrace and enfold many people at one time in our hearts.  Our gift is abundant non singular love. I see a man’s heart as the vertical line on that cross. When a Man loves there is a singularity and intense focus to it that goes so deep. I believe this is why many times in a man’s life, when he loves for the first time and it fails, he closes that door and says, “I will never do that again.”  Their hurt is different from ours, and I believe more intense.   That is an unfortunate thing, because the depth of a man’s love has the capacity to change the planet, especially when aligned with other men’s hearts, and when in support of and honoring of women.

I believe it is time for men to band together, and I envision, perhaps in an idealistic way, putting together an army of men, men who inhabit their hearts, men who know what honor is and to choose to live in it, men who choose to protect the feminine forces on this earth, and the children. Men who value their own sexuality and have integrity about their own lives with purpose. Men who are not run by their genitals, but by the force and power of their own hearts and the deep capacity for love that is different from our own.    I believe from my own experience with the men in my life, that men in certain ways are more sensitive. We don’t honor that as a society and many women do not even recognize it in order to be able to honor it. When men feel valued for their capacity to be who they truly are, I think this will change the way that men view and act towards women.

I know that both men and women experience painful childhoods and abuse. But our childhoods are not an excuse to hurt other people. We have to take responsibility at some point and choose something different. I am inviting all the men in the world to make a different choice. I am inviting the women in the world to see that capacity in men and not to villanize all men for the sins of some. I am inviting the men of this world to find their hearts and to give them to the world and to the women that deserve their hearts. But women and children are at such risk to extreme violence and the violence is becoming more and more extreme. It is being covered up and collaboration is happening in order to effect it and to get away with it.

Men, you can change this. We need to feel safe in the world.  The world needs you to make it so.  Women and children need you to make it so.

So I say this in all seriousness, to any man who is reading this, I would like to begin to organize a men’s collective that is willing to do just that, to find the honor and integrity and goodness and beauty that lives in you  and to use it to restore balance and protection of women to this planet. If you are interested, please CONTACT ME.  And thank you to those already walking this path.

To both men and women, we must find a way to put an end to all of this violence against each other as human beings, regardless of gender.   Love is the only path that will cure this disease.  I intend to be the change I want to see in the world.  Will you join me?

Love & Blessings,
